is hungry, loves gadgets, housework and travelling.

.Cuisine: Peranakan / Nyonya

PeraMakan @ Keppel Club

We were suppose to go to a restaurant in VivoCity for dinner last Saturday evening. We placed a booking just in case the restaurant was packed. When we were on our way there, we noticed that there is a huge jam at VivoCity. Chugging slowly […]

DuluKala The Peranakan Home @ Beauty World Centre

Dulukala…. We have been eating here since the longest time. It was a pop and mom shop which was totally no frills and slow moving. We used to remember coming here with the elder couple doing everything. The aunty and uncle will take orders, then […]

PeraMakan @ Keppel Club

Just last week, sis and I were chatting while watching TV that we have not been to PeraMakan for some time. (I think we were some cooking show about peranakan food) A few days later, we went out shopping with uncle and family at VivoCity […]

Spice Peranakan @ Biopolis

I am back. I was too busy over Christmas meetings in church, and also feeling lazy and wanted to take a break from blogging over the holidays. Today’s the first day of work and I think I am back blogging again. 😉 ———-This was lunch […]

Peramakan @ Keppel Club

About a week ago, Momo and I met up with Zannnie, Zsolt, MadScientist and Neo. It’s the City Daily Photo bloggers meet up! Zsolt’s from Budapest and maintains the Budapest Daily Photo. Zannnie maintains the other Singapore Daily Photo. Zannnie is Zsolt’s wife and has […]