is hungry, loves gadgets, housework and travelling.

.Cuisine: Burger / Sandwich

Hambaobao @ Beauty World Centre

The wife and I have been wanting to try HamBaoBao since it’s in our neighbourhood. Everyday around evening, we would have to think what to have for dinner. Depending on baby’s mood and the weather we plan where to go. Evenings are when I take […]

SweetSpot Deli @ Marina Bay Sands

The wife is traveling to the US for a work trip and we were talking about the meals that she will be looking forward to and some not so. The business lunches that she will have with colleagues and bosses will be more formal and […]

De Burg @ Bukit Merah Lane

Another burger place that you should visit if you are into burgers. We met up with some friends that we have not met for sometime for dinner. We were thinking of where to go and they finally said they felt like eating burgers and want […]

relish by wild rocket @ cluny court, bukit timah

It was one of the cold and rainy evenings. The wife and I decided to have something homey and yet not very homey style. Food like luncheon meat with porridge, but don’t want the porridge. Kong Bak Pau but don’t want the Pau kind of […]

Omakase Burger @ The Grandstand

The wife and I love burgers and when we hear that there’s a new place for burgers, we will find some time to go try it. We heard that “Omakase Burger” that’s located at The Grandstand (previous Turf City) has opened so we thought we […]