If you haven’t, it is one way to add variety to what you eat. It might be a way to easily add in more fiber to your diet. Studies have shown oats has a cholesterol-lowering properties for some people. You can do an online search for “Health Benefits of Oats” and you can read all the articles there are out there.
There are also those that do not believe the benefits of oats, but they want to eat tasty cake. Do you think a cake that has instant oats will be tasty? I hope this recipe might change your mind.
This is not a light and fluffy cake, but a dense chocolatey cake. No, it also doesn’t take like oats or paper, it taste like real chocolate cake.
Try and bake it or ask something to bake it for you. This is a mix of different recipes that I have experimented and probably the least sweet version you can find. Those who are sweet-tooth might not find it sweet. You can ‘sweeten’ it by having a scoop of ice cream on top of the slice of cake when you serve it.
Quaker Oats Chocolate Cake
Set A:
100 gm Quaker Instant Oats
400 ml boiling water
Set B:
150 gm brown sugar
150 gm butter
2 eggs
Set C (to be sifted together):
200 gm flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
3 tablespoon cocoa powder
Set D (others):
1/2 teaspoon salt
150 + 50 gm chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven at 170C.
2. Prepare a cake pan. I use a square one. (20 cm x 20 cm x 5 cm)
3. Cream the butter and sugar (from Set B ingredients) in a mixer.
4. When you have a nice creamy mix, add in the eggs and mix it to a nice creamy mix again.
5. Add in the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda (Set C ingredients) plus the salt into the mixture.
6. Mix the Quaker Instant Oats with the hot water (Set A ingredients) for around 2-3 minutes.
7. Add the Quaker Instant Oats that has been soaked into a paste into the other ingredients. Careful, it is hot.
8. Add in 150 gm of chocolate chips and give it a good stir. Do it quickly one or two stirs as the chocolate chips will melt quickly.
//embedr.flickr.com/assets/client-code.js 9. Pour the mixture into a cake pan.
10. Sprinkle the 50 gm of chocolate chips over the cake.
11. Bake for 30-40 minutes. You can test the cake your favourite way. Some people insert a metal skewer or toothpick. I bake it to around 95-98C in the centre to have a moist cake.
Enjoy the cake, let me know if you like this recipe.
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